There has been some fantastic research published since our last e-digest! Here are some recently published articles we have found interesting at the SCPN. NIHR Collaboration in Cancer and ...
International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) are hosting a World Cancer Report Webinar Series – Obesity and cancer:- “Evidence linking obesity and cancer”: Dr Edward L. ...
It’s that time of year again, and so to go hand in hand with our advent blog, here we present The SCPN’s ‘Alternative Advent’…. Commercial marketing has sold us that the Christmas ...
So many months have passed since we launched our first e-digest but here at SCPN we have been beavering away on learning more about how the environment and lifestyles can help to decrease risk of ...
We are excited to advertise shortly a new Scottish Cancer Foundation PhD Studentship looking at improving cancer preventive behaviours in cancer patients and their families. Cancer prevention is ...
We have been busy writing and posting a number of blogs since we were last in touch in February – including ideas and tips to help everyone survive lockdown and adjust to a new ...
The ActWELL Study – supporting breast cancer risk reduction through lifestyle change. The first set of analysis of the ActWELL study has been completed and the paper is currently being ...
There has been some fantastic research published since our last e-digest! Here are some recently published articles we have found interesting at the SCPN. ...
COVID-19 Changing how we live our lives The work of Obesity Action Scotland focuses on policy action to change our environment to improve accessand ...
Virtual Showcase will feature a number of topical sessions, panel discussions and proffered paper presentations covering the latest discoveries in: Big data and AI, ...