The Health Promoting Health Service and Healthy Working Lives initiatives support the call to action for Scottish NHS boards, trusts, and individual units to promote the health and wellbeing of their patients and staff at all opportunities. To this end we know there is excellent work going on across the country to facilitate a healthier lifestyle for NHS Scotland employees including promoting active travel, physical activity opportunities within and out with the working day, improved choices of healthier foods and drinks available and greenspaces.
To showcase these health promoting activities for NHS Scotland employees, the SCPN is seeking submissions for the 2018 SCPN Healthy Staff Award.
We invite you to submit an entry for this competition showcasing the best that your area is doing to support your staff to lead a healthy lifestyle. This can be an overview of a few activities or concentrate on a single project.
Submissions will be assessed by members of the SCPN team and advisory board and all shortlisted entries will be screened at our annual conference in February 2018 and voted on by delegates.
The winning entry will receive a £500 cash prize to be spent on further health promoting initiatives within your workplace.
We warmly invite you to submit:
Submissions will be welcomed until 7th January either by email to or online below.